申请:Office of Campus Development and Management Campus Operation Service Position总务部校园运营服务岗


Chinese Name(中文姓名): *
English Name(英文姓名): *
Date of Birth(出生年月): *
Gender(性别): *
Estimated date of arrival(预计到岗日期): *
Expected Salary(before tax) 期望年薪(税前): *
Employee ID(职工号):
Highest Degree(最高学位): *
Where did you get your highest Degree(最高学位毕业学校): *
where did you get Bachelor Degree(本科毕业学校):
Party Member(是否为党员): *
Religion(宗教信仰): *
Mobile Phone(移动电话): *
Nationality(国籍): *
Native place(籍贯):
Personal Email(个人邮箱): *
Type of ID(身份证件类型): *
ID Card No.(身份证号码): *
Home Phone(家庭电话): *
Married Status(婚姻状况): *
Are you willing to work in Haining(您是否愿意在海宁工作): *
Current Address(邮政地址): *
Zip Code(邮编): *
Start to Work (参加工作时间): *
How Do You Know about this Recruiting(您是如何得知本单位在招聘: *
Fill in internal referrer information(填写内部推荐人信息):

Work Experience (任职记录)

+ 添加Work Experience (任职记录)

Education (教育背景)


(Details of education start at undergraduate level)

+ 添加Education (教育背景)

Training Background 培训背景

+ 添加Training Background 培训背景

Languages & Computer Skills(语言和电脑技能)

+ 添加Languages & Computer Skills(语言和电脑技能)

In Case of Emergency Please Notify(紧急联系人)

Name(姓 名): *
Address(地址): *
Phone No. (电话): *


Photo(照片): *
Resume(简历): *
Cover Letter(推荐信):