Personal Information

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email Address: *
Primary Phone (numbers only): *
Secondary Phone (numbers only):

Home Address

Street Address: *
City: *
State/Province: *
Zip/Postal Code: *

Professional Details

How did you hear about us?: *
If selected 'Referral' or 'Other', please provide either the referral's name and/or elaborate.: *
Do you have transportation to locations that are not accessible by public transportation?: *
How many classes would you be available to teach?: *
Are you willing to submit to background check and be finger printed?: *
Any teaching experience?: *
Why would you be the perfect fit for this job?: *
Additional Comments:

Technology Skills

If you have experience in any of the following technologies, please briefly share your experience.
Otherwise, type 'none'.
Microsoft Windows: *
Keyboarding: *
Android Tablet: *
iPad: *
Computer Hardware: *
3D Printer: *
Augmented Reality: *
Virtual Reality: *
Airtificial Intelligence: *
Drone: *


If you have experience in any of the following Robotics products or competitions, please briefly share your experience.
Otherwise, type 'none'.
Lego Mindstorms NXT: *
Lego Mindstorms EV3: *
Lego WeDo 1.2: *
Lego WeDo 2.0: *
Lego FLL: *
Lego FLL Jr: *

Game Design

If you have experience in any of the following Game Design software or Minecraft game, please briefly share your experience.
Otherwise, type in 'none'.
GameMaker: *
GameMaker Studio: *
Kodu Game Lab: *
Unity: *
Minecraft: *
Minecraft Modding: *


If you have experience in any of the following Animation software, please briefly share your experience.
Otherwise, type in 'none'.
HUE/SAM Animation: *
Microsoft Windows Movie Maker: *
Stop motion Studio: *
Anime Studio: *


If you have experience in any of the following Graphics software, please briefly share your experience. Otherwise, type in 'none'.
Tinkercad: *
Sketchup: *
Gimp: *
Comic Life: *


If you have experience in any of the following Electronic products, please briefly share your experience.
Otherwise, type in 'none'.
littleBits: *
Snap Circuits: *

Computer Programming Languages

If you have experience in any of the following Computer Programming Languages, please briefly share your experience.
Otherwise, type in 'none'.
Scratch: *
Scratch Jr: *
App Inventor: *
Python: *
CSS: *
Javascript: *
Java: *

Other Technologies, Software or Products

Please share your experience with other technologies, educational software or products, that are appropriate for children ages 4 through 16.:


Resume: *